Tag Archives: outside

Don’t Miss Out

pumpkin-patchThat’s what I like to see in the distance – a field dotted with orange. Head out to the pumpkin patch. Kick the fake pumpkin offerings to the curb and use the real stuff.

The carving is all fine and well, but what I do is save one that I don’t carve – just leave it on my porch until the day after Halloween. Then I carve it up to roast the seeds, and cut up pumpkin cubes to freeze – so I can enjoy pumpkin muffins, and pumpkin smoothies through the winter. Maybe you prefer the fake stuff, but if you don’t, here’s a great treat for a cold day.

Hot Pumpkin Spice Smoothie
1/3 cup pumpkin cubes
1 cup almond milk
2 tablespoons maple syrup
Dashes of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg
Steam pumpkin cubes.
Heat up almond milk.
Mix all ingredients in a blender.
Pour into your favorite mug.  Sprinkle with cinnamon.


From Dusk Until Dawn

When I was a kid, I was always told I had to be home before the streetlights came on. This Saturday it’s all about being out for the night– Nuit Blanche – a celebration of contemporary art.

I have to admit, that even though in previous years, I’ve looked through the site and planned a route of art projects to see, the most interesting things I saw were by chance.  Although, my friends often tell me that I’m really good at being spontaneous, as long as I plan for it.

See what’s happening outside in your community this weekend, or simply get outside and find out what there’s by chance.

Go Play in the Streets

An invitation to play in the streets is exactly what is happening more and more in cities around the world – designating certain days where the boulevards become a playground for free activities.

New York City closes nearly 7 miles of streets three Saturdays in a row in August for their Summer Streets celebration.

Paris is holding their ‘Paris Sans Voiture’ day on Sept 27th, but for something on this side of the pond, Toronto’s Open Streets is this Sunday, Sept 6th.

When I was at Open Streets a few weeks ago, I was surprised by the number of different activities – walking, running, biking, making chalk drawings, and photographers taking in a new perspective from the middle of the street.

Then I saw something that surprised me – a guy rode by on a unicycle, playing a ukulele.

Who knows what I will see this weekend.  See you there.

Photo courtesy of weburbanist.com

How to Train Your Dragonfly

DragonflyIt was a perfect weekend to take advantage of the high water levels and explore some small winding rivers where usually this wouldn’t be possible. Although there were two problems  – mosquitoes and black flies.  What’s a great defense against these?  Dragonflies.

I found there would always be one that hovered around the bow of the canoe. If we went too fast or too slow, it was gone. Since these guys can eat their weight in insects (the kind who bite us), every 30 minutes, they are great to have around.

We often think of insects as an annoyance, but dragonflies actually take pests out of our way.








What’s your favorite view?

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Sometimes it’s situational. For instance, if I have just finished a 6 day canoe trip, then I’m most captivated by the view of the chip stand at the side of a dirt road on the drive home.

But overall there are places that standout, because they take our breath away, put us at ease or make us smile.

When you’re outside, you aren’t just seeing the view, but experiencing the place as well. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it doesn’t replace being there.

Skip This Breakfast


Looks like this tree is making pancakes.

Every season provides different things to see in the woods. We take a leisurely walk while the squirrels and chipmunks race around us, getting their places setup for winter. Ok, maybe I should be getting my own place ready for winter, but that can always wait for another day.

A fall hike is a great way to unwind. Maybe pack some snacks though, since the forest isn’t going to be whipping you up any edible hotcakes.

Pack a Suit


A good friend of mine once told me to always pack a bathing suit regardless of where I’m traveling. She also told me to hold my ski poles as if I am trying to not spill a tray of margaritas – but that’s another story…

Austin presented the perfect swimming opportunity – the Barton Springs Pool. The pool is in the Barton Creek channel and is filled by water from Main Barton Spring – the fourth largest in Texas.

It’s a great way to cool off and relax before taking advantage of everything else the city has to offer.

What’s Your Reason for Walking?

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A few weeks ago, I ended up walking for a cure – by chance.

When I was walking down the beach in Santa Monica, I noticed a group of people gathered near a tent. Since it’s common to see many different events going on there (along with the regular surfing lessons, boot camp exercise groups, etc.), it didn’t seem out of the ordinary.  But as I walked by the tent, the group merged onto the path, and as I continued I passed individuals standing along the route offering encouragement or water. I had walked into a charity walk – literally.

This is a great way to support an organization, while meeting some nice people along the way.

Wondering where to find a walk in your area? Here’s one idea: walkforals.ca/findawalk

The Park Hyatt For Donkeys

DSC-donkey-talksI wondered what this donkey was going to talk about at 11:30. Ends up he casually wandered around us listening to the talk to make sure the humans at the Donkey Sanctuary had their facts straight.

Here’s what I learned:

  • They are smart, curious and not easily startled – so will stop to access an uncertain situation. Makes sense, but this is often mistaken for stubbornness.
  • Donkeys in the UK and Europe have to have passports.
  • They have great memories, remembering places and other donkeys from 25 years ago.

After the fantastic day I spent with these gentle creatures, if someone calls you a donkey, I believe it’s a compliment.


On the Easter Bunny’s Trail

I missed him. Just.

There was a stand of pine trees along the trail and unmistakable tracks across what was left of the last snowfall. This time of year, in areas where there is still snow, or soggy ground, animal tracks are easier to see.

Hopefully I didn’t scare him off, and if I did, he leaves me chocolates this weekend anyway.