Category Archives: Uncategorized

Neighbourhood Gems


These days, since playing outside is limited to a daily walk/jog (while maintaining social distance, of course), it’s an opportunity to take a look at your neighbourhood – how it is now, and how you want it to look in the future.

In my outings, I’ve noticed these architecturally interesting buildings, which also happen to be multi-home buildings.

Our neighbourhoods don’t have nearly enough of these. A nurse heading into a grueling overnight 12 hour shift shouldn’t have to endure a huge commute because she can’t afford to live closer to the downtown hospital where she works.

We need more of these multi-home buildings.

Our lives literally depend on them.

Photos shown are neighbourhood buildings containing 4, 6 and 8 homes.


Don’t Miss Out

pumpkin-patchThat’s what I like to see in the distance – a field dotted with orange. Head out to the pumpkin patch. Kick the fake pumpkin offerings to the curb and use the real stuff.

The carving is all fine and well, but what I do is save one that I don’t carve – just leave it on my porch until the day after Halloween. Then I carve it up to roast the seeds, and cut up pumpkin cubes to freeze – so I can enjoy pumpkin muffins, and pumpkin smoothies through the winter. Maybe you prefer the fake stuff, but if you don’t, here’s a great treat for a cold day.

Hot Pumpkin Spice Smoothie
1/3 cup pumpkin cubes
1 cup almond milk
2 tablespoons maple syrup
Dashes of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg
Steam pumpkin cubes.
Heat up almond milk.
Mix all ingredients in a blender.
Pour into your favorite mug.  Sprinkle with cinnamon.


From Dusk Until Dawn

When I was a kid, I was always told I had to be home before the streetlights came on. This Saturday it’s all about being out for the night– Nuit Blanche – a celebration of contemporary art.

I have to admit, that even though in previous years, I’ve looked through the site and planned a route of art projects to see, the most interesting things I saw were by chance.  Although, my friends often tell me that I’m really good at being spontaneous, as long as I plan for it.

See what’s happening outside in your community this weekend, or simply get outside and find out what there’s by chance.

Go Play in the Streets

An invitation to play in the streets is exactly what is happening more and more in cities around the world – designating certain days where the boulevards become a playground for free activities.

New York City closes nearly 7 miles of streets three Saturdays in a row in August for their Summer Streets celebration.

Paris is holding their ‘Paris Sans Voiture’ day on Sept 27th, but for something on this side of the pond, Toronto’s Open Streets is this Sunday, Sept 6th.

When I was at Open Streets a few weeks ago, I was surprised by the number of different activities – walking, running, biking, making chalk drawings, and photographers taking in a new perspective from the middle of the street.

Then I saw something that surprised me – a guy rode by on a unicycle, playing a ukulele.

Who knows what I will see this weekend.  See you there.

Photo courtesy of

The Baked Goods Test

winter-baked-goods“It may look like I’m in deep thought, but 99% of the time I’m just thinking about what food I’m going to eat later.” – Bill Murray

What’s the easiest way to tell how great a particular place will be for outdoor fun? The baked goods test.

Sure there may be some information that describes the trails themselves. Anyone can boast about great trails, but homemade treats are a pretty strong indication of a place that is in fact welcoming, with beautiful trails.

When I arrive, I check out the brownies, cookies and muffins – and before hitting the trails, I just might try one. Why not? Makes one of the best second breakfasts ever.


Are You Sure You Want to Wear Those Socks Skating?

Ice texture background. Vector

Had the rink to myself. I guess the cold kept people away – but with the sun, and no wind, the conditions were perfect.

Afterwards, when I was changing out of my skates, a family arrived. As they were getting ready, a little boy wandered towards me, staring at my socks. I wondered what he was staring at, so I looked down at my foot, and noticed, for the first time that my socks had writing on them.

They had been in my Christmas stocking, and I’m quite certain Santa hadn’t noticed the writing either. There was a cartoon picture of two dogs having a tug of war with a sock, and underneath, two words – sock whore.

You Can’t Drive Home Like That

Cross Country SkiesJust as I came to the end of the trail I, a woman asked if I could help her. She couldn’t get one ski off. I tried to release the binding but it wouldn’t budge. The woman then said to me, ‘That’s OK. Thanks for trying.’ I said, ‘What! I’m not giving up. It’s not as if you can drive home like this.’

I figured that maybe the inside of the binding has iced up. So I filled up my water bottle with hot water from the chalet, poured it over the binding, and luckily it released immediately.

Still, I have this picture in my head of a car driving down the highway with a foot and a ski sticking out the window 🙂

How to Train Your Dragonfly

DragonflyIt was a perfect weekend to take advantage of the high water levels and explore some small winding rivers where usually this wouldn’t be possible. Although there were two problems  – mosquitoes and black flies.  What’s a great defense against these?  Dragonflies.

I found there would always be one that hovered around the bow of the canoe. If we went too fast or too slow, it was gone. Since these guys can eat their weight in insects (the kind who bite us), every 30 minutes, they are great to have around.

We often think of insects as an annoyance, but dragonflies actually take pests out of our way.








Is it a Hot Chocolate or Lemonade Day?

ABYC_2It was both – 10 degrees on the lake but warm at the dock.

Expect it to be colder than you think, and you’ll end up being warmer. Ok, that’s the theory, but I still ended up being cold, even though I was wearing more layers of clothes than I usually wear skiing. Similar to skiing though, once you start moving around more, you warm up, the cold becomes something to joke about, and you enjoy the day.

Still, it’s great to be outside, with your beverage of choice. Once we were back at the dock this hot chocolate/lemonade day turned into a beer day.


Chalk One Up For Spring

chalk-drawingAfter this long winter, the relatively warmer temperatures we had hoped for are finally here. Although when the snowbanks melted, what they left behind doesn’t look so great – dirt and bits of branches from the ice storm.

In an attempt to offset the grim look of the street, I thought I’d try to add something more cheerful.

Not art – just having fun.